I am so excited to begin a 30-Day Paleo Challenge tomorrow along with over 75 other friends! I did the Paleo diet in January 2013 and never felt better, but over time I have fallen off the bandwagon and think it’s time to get back on! My nutritionist believes it’s the best diet/lifestyle for me because of my history with adrenal fatigue, anxiety and depression. I hope to do weekly updates to track my progress. Here is what I will be tracking if you’d like to join in and follow along!
1. Weight: 132.2
2. Pictures (see below)
3. Sleep: I currently sleep pretty well, about an average of 7 hours a night. I have a very hard time getting up in the morning. I find I have most energy later at night.
4. Energy level: I have been utterly exhausted lately. I am not sure if it’s a result of poor diet, running out of my vitamins and nutmeg essential oil (for adrenal fatigue), or just being busy, but something has got to change! I can’t get through the day without a nap.
5. Stomach/digestion: I very rarely get stomach cramps (probably thanks to my probiotics) but I still feel bloated and gassy after most meals.
6. Monthly cycle/PMS: Monthly cycle averages 26 days, generally have a really bad day about a week before with extreme irritability. Mild cramps the day before.
7. Skin/acne/rashes/bumps: Nothing out of the ordinary, some acne if I don’t wash my face at night!
8. Congestion/sinuses/allergies: Nothing noticeable.
9. Anxiety levels: Anxiety is average to moderate on some occasions.
10. Happiness levels: I feel generally happy but EXHAUSTED, which makes it kind of hard to enjoy things.
11. Strength level: I currently feel pretty weak. I have not exercised regularly for months. Hope to add in three workouts a week.
12. Relationship with food: I currently feel like I am pretty attached to certain foods for comfort and convenience….mainly fast food and eating out. I hate eating at home. This is bad. And hard.
13. Overall sickness/disease: I am not struggling with any overall sicknesses or diseases. I still feel like I have not overcome my adrenal fatigue and hope that with diet, exercise and the correct supplements I can feel my best!
Wish me luck!

Contact me if you’d like to be added to the Challenge!