Virtual Pinboard + Tuesday Fashion

I have been looking for a way to put virtual pins in all of the things I love and hang them on a  nice, little virtual pin board (because the real life version would require printing multiple pages and be annoying). Well, I have finally found what I’ve been looking for…
You have to be “invited” to join which makes you feel all important, though an email is all that’s required to be put on their list. It only took me a few days and I was in!
Follow me at to see what I am currently loving…
When: Tuesday, March 29th
Where:Work (teaching high school)
What: Mixing brown and black yet again!
Top: (under the dress) from Target, winter 2011
Dress: from Target, winter 2011
Cardigan: from T.J. Maxx, winter 2011
Leggings: from Old Navy in black
Boots: Steve Madden via T.J. Maxx, two seasons ago
Earrings: hammered gold from Target

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