I am human. I love a lot.

You know I love when things are cosmically connected…
I recently joined an interactive web group started by a fellow blogger friend at Writing My Way Sober and based on the book Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff.
The other morning I saw a group member posted  Patti Digh’s video on her “skinny jeans”…
Then, I went into my first block class, opened up Life is a Verb, and saw that the next story on our list to read was “Burn Those Jeans.”
Gotta love the Law of Attraction.
I also love this quote, which Patti uses as an epigraph to the piece:
“A lot of disappointed people have been left standing on the street corner waiting for the bus marked Perfection.”– Donald Kennedy
The focused free-write after the story was also a great exercise:
-For five minutes, write a description of yourself.
-Stop. Cross that one out.
-Set the timer for three more minutes and describe yourself again without using anything from the first description.
-Stop. Cross that one out.
-Set the timer for three more minutes and describe yourself again without using anything from the first two descriptions.She says, “Now you’re finally getting to the you beneath allthat other stuff. In this last description, you might find the realyou, the one beneath all those titles and awards and achievements.Getting to that “you” might help you set different, more real goals.”
I noticed the first five minutes I began describing myself withlabels–WHAT I am, rather than WHO I am (which reminds me of a favoritequote, I have inscribed on a rock, purchased at the Cincinnati airport:“When I let go of what I am, I become who I might be”).
The second three minutes I made a list which included descriptive adjectives and physical things.
The last three minutes I pared it down to the very basics of ME.
“I am human.
I love a lot.”
Don’t I wish it were always that simple?
I am human.
I love a lot.
I think I’m gonna make a bumper sticker to serve as a reminder.
Speaking of the Law of Attraction, I just saw this article on RosiePope’s (the lady from the “Pregnant in Heels” TV show) twitter: “Self-Compassion May Matter More Than Self-Esteem” which tells Neff’s story. I am currently on Chapter Two of the book and can’t wait to read more!

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