Updates and such

First, I’d like to announce, Catherine
…of the awesome necklace in our 2 Little Birdies giveaway! Thank you so much for donating to Sophie and Clara’s adoption funds!
On another note,  a certain somebody spent yesterday camped out right here…
And I wouldn’t be complaining if she weren’t so sick.
Miss AJ came down with the croup, and it was scary.
This is where she ended up on Sunday morning…
She woke with a temperature of 101.4 and I frantically called the Dr. after hearing the tell-tale “barking seal cough.”
She listened over the phone and recommended we take her in to get checked.
There’s something very unnatural about a baby being in a hospital bed.
Daddy was pretty worried…
But luckily she didn’t let it get her down.
She was trying to break out of there in no time.
 Having Henry on her sweatshirt gave her a little extra comfort.
And we were on our way home within a couple hours.
She had to get a steroid to help with her cough, and so far it seems to be helping,
though bath time was pretty pitiful.
She hated it so much we let her bring her stuffed Henry doll in with her…
though it didn’t really help.  
Get me outta here!
 (don’t you love our purple tub? it came with the house, can you believe it? lol.)

Meanwhile, one of my necklaces was listed on an Etsy treasury called “The Simple Joys of Country Life” (so cool) and I got a custom order for a floral bib piece in winter whites and pale blues.

…which made me very happy.

Place your own custom order here.

And finally, I’m in the throes of planning a first birthday party. 

More to come on that later…

Love, P

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