Write with me

So, after an inspiring conversation with a friend, I have decided it’s time to get this blog back up and running! This blog is “my dream” in tangible form. 
What does that mean? It means this blog is a place for people to find inspiration through writing. Not writing for school, not writing to impress, not writing to make money–just writing for yourself. 
The point is, simply put: we write, and we feel better. 
Who is with me here?  
I already know this is true and the whole point of this blog is to happily convince all of YOU to feel the same. 
So, please join me on this journey. Feel free to use this site for inspiration, journal topics, sharing, connecting, and helping–yourselves and others.
My ultimate goal is that somewhere along the way you will write to heal yourself, whatever that means to YOU in the moment when YOU need it most!
I am interested in starting a local or online writing “group” to  get this ball rolling. This is not a place where I’ll be “teaching” or where you’ll be forced to share your personal writing or deep, dark secrets. I envision it as a place where we convene once a month (or more!) to very simply: write, and feel better. 
About what, you may ask? ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. 
I have been in training as a Certified Journal  Facilitator, which means I can provide a bit of structure and know a little bit about leading a group in the right direction. I am not a therapist or a counselor and participating in this group does not mean you are in need of “help.” It’s just a place to write, talk, and enjoy yourself. 
If you are interested in participating in such a “group” please contact me; leave a comment or send me an email.
Can’t wait to get started!

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