On Sunday I wrote about my mother’s smile as “The Sweetest Gift.” My little munchkin gave me a pretty sweet gift on Mother’s Day, too… She walked all the way across the room by herself! She has done a few steps here and there but this was the first time […]
17 posts
There is nothing better than… …this. And as of late my blogging world has been swapped for playdates with my little one in the sun. And for the next five days there will be plenty more… Happy Spring Break, Easter, Â and bare feet in the grass!
 Today is not just St. Patrick’s Day… (Yes, I am one of THOSE moms that buys photo props for every holiday… …and, no she wasn’t having it!) …It’s also Clara’s first birthday!! Happy Birthday, Clara! During our fund raising time, which was only two short months, $1,430 was raised for […]