Hey, It’s OK… …to dress my daughter and myself in matching shoes..as long as they’re leopard print. …to never actually make any of the crap I pin on Pinterest. (Wait, I made something! See here) …to have ten different varieties of the same lacy, cream colored shirt. As my awesome […]
hey it’s ok
14 posts
Hey, It’s OK… …to consider Taco Bell an acceptable location for date night. …to think drinking sweet tea past 10 pm is living on the edge. …to get the epidural. …to get an insane amount of satisfaction when pulling out all of the the dryer lint in one swoop. …to […]
Hey, It’s OK… …that I let a box of Tampons entertain my daughter for a good ten minutes. …to watch Jersey Shore… even though it leaves me with a Snooki hangover. …to think Pauly D. and Vinny are actually really funny. “Louie, you’re gonna get all the girls!” …to let […]