Hey, It’s OK… …to jam out to “Some Dark Holler” with as much enthusiasm as I would to “Single Ladies.” …to dress my daughter and myself like B.A. rock stars for her music class (I’m talking Musikgarten people). And no, not Halloween costume rock stars, real life rock stars, complete with […]
Monthly Archives: October 2011
6 posts
Please come out and see me on Saturday for the 2nd Annual MaDee’s Holiday Market! I will have a booth called Make it Beautiful right next to the lovely Designs by Kara Kihm and I have made lots of darling necklaces, earrings, and hair accessories! I will also be installing […]
Hey, It’s OK…. …to choose french fries over those last few pounds. …to rub acne “spot” treatment all over my entire chin….or face. …to not exactly know the rules on preposition placement in sentences. …to try to be the bigger person…and fail. Miserably. …to take notes during Oprah’s LifeClass. While […]