The Power of ONE

Last night I launched my BIG announcement about Clara and Sophie

…And I’m scared.

What if we don’t reach the goal?

What if no one reads my blog?

What if people think I’m a sham?

I’m not a big deal. I’m not Kelle Hampton or Oprah or famous by any means.

Sometimes my inner voice tells me I’m just silly and crazy and pointless.

Sometimes all it takes is ONE unpopular post or ONE email ignored from a big time blogger to crush my self esteem.

But, sometimes all it takes is ONE nice comment or ONE helpful email from another blogger to build me back up and face (what I like to think is) reality.

I may not be a big deal. I may not have a ton of followers. I may not be famous.

But I am not silly and pointless and crazy. I am not a sham and I am not a poser.

Because my intentions are good.

I want to help people. I want other women to believe that they are okay. I want to help babies. I want to write to heal myself and everyone else. I want to connect with beautiful people and create beautiful moments in an ugly world.

And I know you all want the same.

Or you wouldn’t be here…and I thank you for that.

I have to believe that if my intentions are good then everything else will fall into place.

And I have to remember, when I feel like people may laugh at me and my tiny little blog that this is not a competition. We’re all in this together. We’re all trying to help the greater good. No one is better or worse because their blog/hair/facebook status/marriage/etc. is prettier or cooler or bigger than another.

But this isn’t about me and my self-esteem issues.

It’s about Clara
and Sophie
And how I love them already.

I want to squeeze those little legs and kiss those chubby cheeks.

I want them to have a mommy.

I want them to have the medicine and care and LOVE they deserve.

And the more money they have in their adoption funds, the better chance they will find a forever family.

Someone to squeeze those little legs, and kiss those chubby cheeks.

I pray for those faces to find a home…because they aren’t just faces in a photo. They’re real baby girls who will be turning ONE in just a few months. And I want them to have a rockstar party, too.

Remember The Power of ONE.

ONE person can make a difference.

So please, help in whatever way you can. If you’d like to donate, click on Clara and Sophie’s profiles. Then, once on their profile, click on the “donate” button and it will lead you to Paypal.

If you’ve already donated, please pass this on to everyone you know–email, FB, twitter, blogs, etc.

I’m making “buttons” for you to put on your pages, as well. They should be ready tonight!

Also stay tuned for some cool specials I’m working out with some local vendors!

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