Not every day is easy. Today was one of those “hard days.” I woke up extra tired…run down…low on energy. I thought maybe I was getting sick, but then remembered that sometimes being pregnant is equivalent to always feeling on the verge of being sick…or hungover. And some days are […]
11 posts
Hey, It’s OK… …to stop by the Dollar Store  in a desperate need for a Strawberry Pop-Tart fix. (Aren’t you glad to know that you can get Pop-Tarts at the Dollar Store?) …to be super-sensitive to how others treat your child. Motherhood truly is “deciding to forever have your heart […]
This is an in-between post for an in-between day. Not quite Friday, I’m just kinda waiting. For some fun or something. I’ve been working on my weekly fashion parade for next Wednesday and my Friday Playlist post which I think is a fun tradition I’d like to keep up. But […]