What exactly is “momma mojo?” How do we lose it, and more importantly, how do we get it back?! I’ve never been a big fan of the word “mojo” but in this case it just seems to fit. To me, mojo is that extra pep in your step. It’s feeling […]
11 posts
This morning was rough. For some reason, AJH was in an awful mood. One of those moods where she HATES everything, argues with everything, doesn’t want to cooperate with me on anything, and is pretty much impossible to deal with. I suppose it’s pretty typical for a two-year-old, though I […]
“I am a recovering perfectionist. Before, I experienced that I and everyone else was always falling short, that who we were and what we did was never quite good enough. I sat in judgment on life itself. Perfectionism is the belief that life is broken…Wholeness lies beyond perfection. The life […]