What exactly is “momma mojo?” How do we lose it, and more importantly, how do we get it back?! I’ve never been a big fan of the word “mojo” but in this case it just seems to fit. To me, mojo is that extra pep in your step. It’s feeling […]
17 posts
Not every day is easy. Today was one of those “hard days.” I woke up extra tired…run down…low on energy. I thought maybe I was getting sick, but then remembered that sometimes being pregnant is equivalent to always feeling on the verge of being sick…or hungover. And some days are […]
Hey, It’s OK… …to stop by the Dollar Store  in a desperate need for a Strawberry Pop-Tart fix. (Aren’t you glad to know that you can get Pop-Tarts at the Dollar Store?) …to be super-sensitive to how others treat your child. Motherhood truly is “deciding to forever have your heart […]