Day 2 of H.U.P.O. (Happy Until Proven Otherwise) is going well. AJH has decided to go poo poo at 7:55 (approximately 10 minutes past the time I am supposed to arrive at work) for the 3rd day in a row, but do you think I get mad? Heck no. I sneak […]
12 posts
This morning I started thinking that besides being late for work again, (AJH waits to have a huge poopy diaper until RIGHT before we have to leave in the morning) I was having a pretty good day. And then it occured to me that I was assuming I’d be having a […]
On this dreary, rainy day, do what makes you happiest… How will you give yourself the perfect day? Take a moment to reflect in your journal. Here are some starter questions: 1. In your opinion, what does “perfect day” consist of? What does it look like in your world? 2. […]