Need some good news today? With the help of my amazing team, I was able to just call and pay the power bill of single mother who has been out of electricity for over a week. We came together and raised the money she needed in just a few hours. […]
12 posts
Right now happiness is… Friday Night Lights: BEST. SHOW. EVER. I am kind of in love with so many of the characters. Tim Riggins for being my equivalent to Sawyer from Lost. Matt Saracen for singing Mr. Sandman to his grandma. Tami Taylor for her hair…her glorious hair. Lyla Garrity […]
Happiness is… big sister reading to little sister. She’s making up a story about Granny and Pops and a little boy crying (who happens to be Charlie Brown)…and is the same book that actually started this “Happiness Is…” series and it’s one of her favorites. Hattie is clearly unimpressed […]