Life has been extra busy lately with the start of a new semester, our big Reece’s Rainbow fundraiser, and wedding blogs galore… …but let me start with a HALLELUJAH! Both Clara and Sophie have reached the $100 mark in their adoption funds! Poor Clara is $5 behind Sophie, but maybe somebody will […]
10 posts
As I was writing yesterday’s post, I couldn’t help but think of a book I once read for Sunday school called “What’s so Amazing About Grace?” I have to admit, I didn’t read the whole thing, but I did buy a very cool, visual version, which I highly recommend. These are the […]
Last night I launched my BIG announcement about Clara and Sophie… …And I’m scared. What if we don’t reach the goal? What if no one reads my blog? What if people think I’m a sham? I’m not a big deal. I’m not Kelle Hampton or Oprah or famous by any means. […]