Where there is yin, there must be a yang out there somewhere, right? Yesterday I was sad. I missed my daughter and I felt very “un-mommylike.” But I got many encouraging and supportive messages and today I am feeling better. I had friends tell me they have felt the exact […]
6 posts
Image from Sidney Leigh Photography. Love her. So far today has been a step up from yesterday. I didn’t get up early enough to do yoga, but I did have time for a shower and blow-dry, still getting to work ten minutes earlier than usual. It wasn’t without some fussing and anxiety, […]
This morning was bad. A week’s worth of stomach bug, Christmas aftermath, dirty house, empty refrigerator, baby proofing and boo boos culminated in a mild freak out as I rushed out the door, late again. But this time I wasn’t just late…I was late and the baby hadn’t been fed, I felt like […]