Hey, It’s OK… …to wear the same pair of black leggings every. single. day. …to wear said black leggings with brown boots, and a brown purse. The days of mixing black and brown are HERE…and I like it! …to do the unthinkable…wear said black leggings as pants! GASP! Don’t worry, […]
Old Blog
67 posts
I’ve been toying with the idea of a “Music Monday” post and possible link-up for a few months now. I have had a hard time coming up with the “perfect” graphic which has put things on hold, but because I am SUPER obsessed with a certain song recently sung by […]
I am not ashamed to admit that I have REALLY been looking forward to tomorrow night’s Bachelor season premiere. I always love The Bachelor more than The Bachelorette because instead of one female hot mess, you get about 25…which equates to more crying, bigger fights, and cuter clothes. If you […]