The first week of the 30-Day Paleo Challenge has come to an end! I have been thrilled with the interaction and support from the group I am working with on Facebook. Everyone has been so honest, open and helpful as we embark on this journey together! I honestly didn’t see […]
Make it Beautiful
354 posts
So, here’s the deal. Caffeine makes me ANXIOUS. I already have anxiety. I don’t need any help in this department. Yet, I continue to drink it. Every. Day. Why? I think that I think I need it. But I don’t. I DON’T NEED CAFFEINE TO GET THROUGH THE DAY. (Maybe […]
I’m beyond flattered at the amount of support I’ve received since starting the Paleo diet. A few friends have sent personal messages asking for tips on how to get started, and where to go for inspiration and motivation. I decided to make a little Beginners Manual of sorts for those […]