I had some ground beef thawed out tonight and wanted to make something NEW and DIFFERENT (besides our normal tacos) so I went searching on Pinterest until I found a recipe that included ingredients I already had in my cabinets. About a year ago we bought a large amount of […]
Make it Beautiful
354 posts
Here is the latest in my pregnancy diary…. How Far Along: 26 weeks (6.5 months) Maternity Clothes? I am wearing lots of flowy dresses when I can, and have a few pair of maternity jeans, too, though I mostly live in cropped yoga pants! Stretch Marks: Not yet! Sleep: I’m still sleeping surprisingly […]
Not every day is easy. Today was one of those “hard days.” I woke up extra tired…run down…low on energy. I thought maybe I was getting sick, but then remembered that sometimes being pregnant is equivalent to always feeling on the verge of being sick…or hungover. And some days are […]