I’m what you call a “stay-at-home-slash-work-at-home-mom.” I try to fit a full-time job as a Marketing and Social Media director for a local jewelry store into two days of work from home while the kids go to a babysitter. On those days I try wear what I call “real clothes,” […]
Beautiful Things
159 posts
I felt super cool today. I had no idea how timely it would be for me to break out my new chartreuse skinny cords from Target until I saw that the bright color was all the rage last night at the Emmy’s. Claire Danes, Julianne Moore and Julie Bowen I have been dying […]
I don’t know how many times I’ve almost purchased The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, so when I heard about the online, interactive Artist’s Way Toolkit, I was thrilled. The original Artist’s Way is a bestselling book on creativity which is described by the publisher as “…a twelve-week course that guides you through […]