Right now happiness is… Friday Night Lights: BEST. SHOW. EVER. I am kind of in love with so many of the characters. Tim Riggins for being my equivalent to Sawyer from Lost. Matt Saracen for singing Mr. Sandman to his grandma. Tami Taylor for her hair…her glorious hair. Lyla Garrity […]
Beautiful Things
159 posts
Here’s a quick summary of Day 3. I’m trying to decide if Sunday is going to be my “cheat day” because we typically eat out after church, and always have a big “Potluck” style meal with my husband’s family for dinner. Breakfast: Banana and trail mix of almonds, walnuts and […]
Here is a run down of Day 2! Breakfast: raisins, water Thoughts/Feelings/Observations: I’m getting sick of raisins but I haven’t been to the store yet so that’s all I had. I was pretty gassy this morning but I know it could take weeks and even months before I get all of the yuckiness out […]