Enjoy our week in three measly cell phone pictures! I made this necklace for the upcoming MaDee’s Market! If you are a local reader, you should definitely try to make it and support a wonderful cause! Designs by Kara Kihm will also be there selling her fabulous dress line! They’re […]
Beautiful Things
159 posts
Enjoy our week in “instant upload” fashion…. Â Somebody LOVES shoes. I often find her in my closet sitting right in the middle of all of my boots. Â She also loves her wagon. I think it reminds her of being at the beach. One morning I found her in her baby […]
If ever you needed an anthem, this should be it. “Living of Love,” The Avett Brothers For just one chance to find Love was someone that you loved to find For just the sense to try To walk ahead and leave the pain behind If the days aren’t easy and […]