I am planning on posting a Friday playlist tomorrow but had to do a little preview after hearing “Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters” this morning. For some reason it really stuck a chord. I love this song. And I missed it. It reminds me of Almost Famous which makes me […]
35 posts
I typically listen to my QuickMix Pandora station through my phone, day in and day out at work. My students pretend to dig it, and some of them actually do. Since I teach primarily writing classes, we spend a lot of time listening to music and writing. Of course, I […]
Image from Sidney Leigh Photography If I had to add one more fold into this blog besides family, writing, and fashion, it would be MUSIC. I often write about the songs I find inspiring (especially The Avett Brothers) and so many good songs are coming through my Pandora playlist right […]