I’ve read that moms-to-be really start to “pop out” at five months, and that couldn’t be more true for me. Suddenly, looks in my direction have gone from “maybe she’s put on a few pounds” to “wow, she’s definitely pregnant!” I notice it everywhere–from school, to out shopping. People look a little harder […]
39 posts
Being a high school Advanced Composition teacher, I am obsessed with words and and love finding creative ways to help the kids prepare for the SATs. These onesies could quite possibly be the most clever idea yet…put ’em on the registry!
Here I am at 14 weeks. I can’t believe how fast time flies by…it is hard for me to keep up! We go back for another check up and ultra-sound on October 2nd. Wish us luck! We will most likely find out the sex at our November appt.