Valentine’s Day was a great excuse to make some cute things I’ve seen on Pinterest lately. First, I’ve been wanting to make burlap banners for the different holidays since seeing this on Etsy. Source: via Make it on Pinterest After almost buying this one for Christmas, I decided I […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
41 posts
I saw this checklist on a few other maternity blogs and thought it was a god way to cover all of the bases of the pregnancy week by week without having to really form complete sentences….which, as previously mentioned, can be very difficult with “pregnancy brain!” How Far Along: 14 weeks […]
Part of our bedtime routine with AJH is saying our prayers every night. She is starting to know what “pray” means and it’s really cute when she reminds us before we eat to say “prayers” and when she bows her head and puts her hands together at the appropriate time […]