I am linking up with Jeannett over at Life Rearranged (the blog who told us about Cliffy!) for “Insta-Friday” for the very first time. If you’re wondering how to play along, here is her description:
“Capture the silly little moments from your week and link up using nothing but cell phone pics! You don’t have to have an iPhone, but the rule is that your photos have to be phone pictures! No real cammys allowed!!!”
Instagram is a super-cool I-phone app but since I have a Droid, I have to use other camera apps, such as “Retro Camera,” ‘PicPlz” and “Camera360,” all of which work virtually the same.
This little game is especially fun for me because I am currently “real” camera-less…since the school year is over I had to give-up the fancy schmancy school yearbook camera and our point and shoot is broken…so for the past few weeks I have had nothing but my phone camera, which makes for some pretty fun pics.
Here is my girl, AJH, rocking her camo pants at the River, where my husband’s family has gathered every Sunday night in the summer for many years. She LOVES it and definitely has a little tom-boy in her nature…though note the pink that mommy had to add for a touch of girlie.
This is our morning routine…while mama brushes her teeth and washes her face, AJH sits in her bumbo and shoves a bagel in as fast as she can. She is quite the little eater…
On Tuesday I was pleasantly surprised to pick up this little munchkin from the babysitter in nothing but a tee shirt and big girl panties over her diaper. It cracked me up. She had gotten wet while playing in the yard and had no back-up clothes, so this was the funny ensemble we got… Seeing her in big girl panties was unbearably cute but also a little sad…I’m not quite ready for her to grow up that much yet…though being potty-trained sure will be nice!
This is the next book on my list…I am reading it to complete a book review for BlogHer and so far it’s very interesting…I never read Push or saw Precious (the movie based on Push) but I an tell this sequel is going to be just as compelling as those were said to be.
Last but not least…Thursday night was impromptu date night. My sister-in-law volunteered to babysit AJH which was awesome. It’s pretty nice that we have so many family members so close-by. Little Miss Valerie heard this band on the radio Thursday morning, loved them, googled them, and found out that they were playing a show in our very own little town the same night. She notified me ASAP because the song she heard just so happened to have our little girl’s name in the title and chorus. The best part is that I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with the song and the band. I emailed the Mr. and told him we were having a date night and “no” was not an option. I love that I can find myself in a tiny music hall listening to some of the best sounds I’ve ever heard (REALLY!) on a random Thursday night. It makes me very, very HAPPY. The band, Spirit Family Reunion, is one of my new favs and I guarantee they will be legendary someday…
Thank you, Life Rearranged, for this fun little game! I have thoroughly enjoyed recapping my week in silly, cell-phone pics!

One thought on “Insta-Friday without Instagram”
Awwwwww very cool! Great recap!