More love.

One year ago today we lost a dear friend whose legacy will live on forever. My sis-in-law wrote a great post on MaDee’s life which you can read here and you may remember reading about MaDee here on my blog. I ask you to please take a moment to look at her beautiful smile and peruse the foundation her family has started in her memory.
MaDee’s sister Abby found out she was pregnant with a very special little boy named Cy exactly one month after MaDee’s passing, which happened to be the day my little girl was born. My AJH and Cy got to hang out at a recent basketball game and she must have made a good impression because he sent her a super sweet Valentine in the mail on Monday.
 And she LOVED it.
 “Hi, baby Cy…
 I think you’re my boyfriend.
I like you a lot!
You are so cute!
I want to give you a kiss!
 Uh, oh. Am I in trouble?
 Maybe I’ll just eat it instead!
 Nah, I really want a smooch!” Love, AJH
She also got a special Valentine from her Mamaw, Tenny Jo, her (middle) namesake.

She was very excited to grab it.
Mamaw is known for her well-stickered envelopes.
 And taped dollar bills.
AJ really studied it.
Not one holiday has gone by my entire 29 years without getting one of these very special cards.
And now the tradition has started with AJH.
Funny girl.
I can’t get over how grown-up AJH looks sitting there in her little cardigan. One month from today she will be one year old!
We also had a very special Valentine’s treat when the choir from my school came to sing to the kids at AJ’s daycare.

They were pretty mesmerized.
 And it was a beautiful moment.

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