The 5-Minute Sprint

from The Way of the Journal, Kathleen Adams

When? This activity is useful when:
-you’re overwhelmed
-you don’t have much time
-you don’t know what to write about
-you have a lot going on
-you need clarity and focus
-you really don’t to write
-you want to track an issue/feeling/project over time
-Pick a subject
-write as fast as you can
-at the end of the five minutes, STOP
-re-read what you’ve written
-continue if you want– or put your journal aside!
What? Try writing about–
-what’s going on
-the present moment
-a person or relationship
-a feeling or mood
-something silly or irrelevant
-background issues
-a decision or choice
-a check-in with yourself
-best thing/worst thing of your day
-an insight, awareness or “aha” moment
-last night’s dream
-something you don’t want to forget
-your goals for the day
-things that are going right/things that are going wrong
-something upsetting
-YOU NAME IT! You can write for 5 minutes about anything!
-Use a timer or note the time of the start of your entry
-STOP when you told yourself you would
-You can always write more
Suggested Topics:
-How do you feel about writing in a journal?
-What’s going on for you right now, in this moment?
-Review your day from the time you opened your eyes this morning
-Name a feeling you’re having right now and explore it

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