Mollye Miller, whose sister, Lexi, was one of my bridesmaids, was a guest at our wedding and took some beautiful photographs, including these, which are some of our absolute favorites. Â All of the Roanoke College guests. This one hangs in our living room. Mollye just wrote a book review for […]
6 posts
I got a little side-tracked with snow days and missed my Thursday and Friday posts last week, but not for lack of topics. I look forward to writing about them this week so stay tuned! Some snow and cuddling was just what the Dr. ordered after my Worthy Wednesday post. […]
I’ve had this tab saved on my browser for a week now, so instead of keeping it there, I decided to do a little post so I don’t forget how much I love it! Being an English major, of course I am a little partial to the name, but what […]