This is what we do… We do pink toenails. We do stopping to smell the roses. We do eating cereal with daddy. We do pep talks in the mirror. We do cooking with jelly beans and animal crackers (in our bathing suit). We do trips to the river (in basketball […]
this is what we do
3 posts
This is what we do… We do shoes. And we do gymnastics. Not just gymnastics, but gymnastics in Hannah Montana leotards and Puma warm-ups. We do dress-up. In baby carriages. While wearing Hannah Montana leotards. We do high heels with nightgowns. Oh, my! We do tree hugging. In Ruby slippers. […]
If you ever wonder what us stay-at-home-slash-work-at-home moms of toddlers do all day… …here is a little glimpse into our world… We play dress-up. Lots and lots of dress-up. Most days it involves some form of princess gear, high-heels and cowboy boots. When it rains, we go out and feel […]