I can’t let today go by without sharing some Valentine love. First, this poem will make you smile and see skunks in a new light. The poem, journal prompts (and skunk) were all found in the “Poem of the Month” section of The Center for Journal Therapy website. I studied […]
10 posts
Read this pretty winter poem and see what lines speak to you. Even if a poem makes no sense to me, I always try to find a few lines that are inspiring in some way, and take whatever I can from them. I saw this poem on The Writer’s Almanac […]
*In Thanksgiving spirit, I’m reposting one of my favorite writing activities: the Praise Song. I encourage you to create your own Praise Poems and share! I read this poem a few years ago for my Journal Therapy class and was very inspired. Praise Song Paise the light of late November,the […]