image from here In all my talks of “good enough” and self-compassion, I stumbled upon this poem on another blog I read. I read it first in my journal therapy training and I think the universe knew it was time for a re-read. Here goes: You do not have to be […]
10 posts
On Monday I posted the poem “A Valentine for Ernest Mann” and soon realized the words had a strong connection to the meaning behind this blog…”to live in the moment and make it beautiful.” If beauty can be found in two skunks, it can be found anywhere, right? As Ernest […]
A friend sent this poem to me after reading my “I am still a mommy” post. I thought some other mommies may appreciate it, too. “First Knowing” That second day of kindergarten, I ditched while Miss Clemens bent at the sink, helping Peter Farley wash the paint off his hands. […]