This is what we do… We do shoes. And we do gymnastics. Not just gymnastics, but gymnastics in Hannah Montana leotards and Puma warm-ups. We do dress-up. In baby carriages. While wearing Hannah Montana leotards. We do high heels with nightgowns. Oh, my! We do tree hugging. In Ruby slippers. […]
11 posts
I’ve been letting my daughter rub this “lotion” all over my legs and arms for the past month… I think my mom left it at our house so I didn’t know exactly what it was, and just assumed it was this new, amazingly soft lotion. AJH found it and decided […]
If you ever wonder what us stay-at-home-slash-work-at-home moms of toddlers do all day… …here is a little glimpse into our world… We play dress-up. Lots and lots of dress-up. Most days it involves some form of princess gear, high-heels and cowboy boots. When it rains, we go out and feel […]