So, here is my second attempt at responding to “Ill With Want.” I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote, and guess what? I feel better. MUCH better. So there is a reason why I chose to safely tuck away my first response to the song, “Ill With Want.†I […]
30 posts
Something about this song by The Avett Brothers really hits home with me. For the longest time I sang along without ever really paying attention to the words. Once I realized what they were saying, it started to make a lot of sense. I’m curious to see what others feel […]
I had this song stuck in my head ALL day. I was in a very Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros kind of mood today (minus the psychedelic drugs). Maybe it was my kitten heel leopard print pumps. When I got home I played the song for AJH and […]