I’ve been pretty anxious this week. For people who struggle with general, everyday anxiety, you know you don’t need a reason to be anxious…you just are. All week I’ve been repeating my own little form of therapeutic self-talk, without really knowing or remembering what it is that was […]
7 posts
This is why I love this girl… …because she sends me funny stuff like that with absolutely no explanation. I have no idea where it is from, or who the guy is, but he reminds me of either a young Elton John, the kid who played Augusten Burroughs in Running […]
I recently wrote a post about what I would tell my thirteen year-old-self if I could go back in time. As a connection to that, I’d like to share an excerpt from one of my favorite bloggers, Nici Holt Cline’s post “Let’s Hike” on Mamalode. “…A little piece of that […]