I was searching for one of my favorite Marianne Williamson quotes and came across a blog post from one year ago titled Choose Love. It was just what I needed to read after the horrible event that took place last Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, CT. When […]
Old Blog
67 posts
I love this little turquoise chair and thought you would, too. I picked it up randomly last fall from an antique booth at MaDee’s Market. (If you’re interested in being a vendor at the market this fall, get more info. here. It’s a great cause!) The awesome color and very attractive […]
Not every day is easy. Today was one of those “hard days.” I woke up extra tired…run down…low on energy. I thought maybe I was getting sick, but then remembered that sometimes being pregnant is equivalent to always feeling on the verge of being sick…or hungover. And some days are […]