Here I am at 14 weeks. I can’t believe how fast time flies by…it is hard for me to keep up! We go back for another check up and ultra-sound on October 2nd. Wish us luck! We will most likely find out the sex at our November appt.
436 posts
Katie & Joe Crabtree Wedding Festivity Outfits Thursday night cocktail party: The bump was in full effect, but somewhat camoflouged in this picture because of those polka-dots! Friday night rehearsal dinner: The dress is somewhat hidden, but it was flowy and comfortable. I found it on sale at White House/Black Market this […]
Nathan was one of my first Advanced Composition students and wrote this piece in his freshman year at VA Tech this fall. Today is just one of those days. I’m supposed to be writing notes for the Psychology class I have in 78 minutes, but when I sit at my […]