Hey, It’s OK… …to stop by the Dollar Store  in a desperate need for a Strawberry Pop-Tart fix. (Aren’t you glad to know that you can get Pop-Tarts at the Dollar Store?) …to be super-sensitive to how others treat your child. Motherhood truly is “deciding to forever have your heart […]
Hey, It’s OK
14 posts
Hey, It’s OK… …to wear the same pair of black leggings every. single. day. …to wear said black leggings with brown boots, and a brown purse. The days of mixing black and brown are HERE…and I like it! …to do the unthinkable…wear said black leggings as pants! GASP! Don’t worry, […]
Hey, It’s OK… …to get a giant fist in my stomach when I think about completing our Christmas cards. Taking the perfect picture, finding the perfect card, even getting the perfect corresponding return address labels… maybe if I eliminate the word “perfect” the fist will magically disappear. …to think a […]