Dressing a baby bump can actually be fun sometimes! (though you may not think that if you saw the blue, men’s tee shirt and un-matching blue and Hawaiian print pajama pants I am wearing right now). Here is one of my favorite recent outfits… (Excuse my creepy lack of  eye […]
Beautiful Family
154 posts
Dear AJH, I haven’t done a great job at keeping up with a “real” baby book or scrapbook for you and when I say “great job” I really mean that I haven’t filled out one page in the many baby books I have collected since before you were born (even […]
If you ever wonder what us stay-at-home-slash-work-at-home moms of toddlers do all day… …here is a little glimpse into our world… We play dress-up. Lots and lots of dress-up. Most days it involves some form of princess gear, high-heels and cowboy boots. When it rains, we go out and feel […]