Here is the latest in my pregnancy diary…. How Far Along: 28 weeks (7 months) Maternity Clothes? I can still fit into most of my stretchy pants, and baggy shirts, but have to wear maternity clothes for the most part. It’s starting to get warm so I’m wearing lots of tank tops […]
Beautiful Family
154 posts
This is what we do… We do shoes. And we do gymnastics. Not just gymnastics, but gymnastics in Hannah Montana leotards and Puma warm-ups. We do dress-up. In baby carriages. While wearing Hannah Montana leotards. We do high heels with nightgowns. Oh, my! We do tree hugging. In Ruby slippers. […]
I’ve been letting my daughter rub this “lotion” all over my legs and arms for the past month… I think my mom left it at our house so I didn’t know exactly what it was, and just assumed it was this new, amazingly soft lotion. AJH found it and decided […]