As I recently announced…yes, we are expecting baby #2! We are very thrilled but there is something about the first trimester that just takes it out of you…I haven’t felt like doing much of anything…especially write blog posts! I blame it on exhaustion, but also the infamous “pregnancy brain.” Sometimes […]
Monthly Archives: January 2012
5 posts
Hey, It’s OK… …to wear the same pair of black leggings every. single. day. …to wear said black leggings with brown boots, and a brown purse. The days of mixing black and brown are HERE…and I like it! …to do the unthinkable…wear said black leggings as pants! GASP! Don’t worry, […]
More to come soon… Once what I like to call the “starvexhausea” (starving, exhausted, nausea) dies down! Love, P