How can you resist that face? It may sound obvious, but inspiration is infectious. Get inspired one time, and I tell you, it won’t stop hitting you in the face every which way you turn. (And you know what that means…lots and lots of blog posts!) Today I was inspired by […]
Daily Archives: November 5, 2010
3 posts
I wrote this letter to our first dog, Shiner, after feeling a lot of guilt from his passing. I used the Dialogue journaling tool to complete the sequence with a letter back from him. Though it may sound, strange, it actually brough me a lot of closure and peace. I […]
As said in Journal to the Self by Kathleen Adams, “The Dialogue technique is the Swiss army knife of the journal toolbox…(it) can take you into or through nearly any journal situation you can imagine. It is the technique of choice of many experienced journalers…” Basically, “Dialogue is an exchange between […]